The Managing Partner, Officer Beauty Addey of the Ghana Police Service and Sena Nyame of The Little Things International
Sena Nyame of The Little Things International lecturing the 2TYI Ghana volunteers.
The Managing Partner teaching on the use of the fire extinguisher to the 2TYI Ghana volunteers.
Officer Beauty Addey teaching the kids self defence tips against abduction.
Terence Addey Adams, of the Ghana Police Service, The Managing Partner and Sena Nyame of The Little Things International
The Managing Partner teaching the children with The Adventures of Muna story book
The Managing Partner, Terence Addey Adams, of the Ghana Police Service and Sena Nyame of The Little Things International and the Principal of one of the schools visited.
The children present at the safety training.
St Thomas Int school, one of the beneficiaries of 2TYI.
The Managing Partner teaching the children how to be safe from hazards in school.
The Managing Partner with The Adventures of Muna.
The Managing Partner, Terence Beauty Adams, of the Ghana Police Service and Sena Nyame of The Little Things International
The Managing Partner, Terence Addey Adams, Beauty Addey, both of the Ghana Police Service, Sena Nyame of The Little Things International
Officer Terence Addey Adams, teaching the volunteers more on safety and security.
The Managing Partner and Officer Beauty Addey
The Managing Partner in an interactive section with the 2TYI Volunteers.